Extra Life Roleplay News

Keep up to date with the latest news!
Contribution Module Update
We are currently adding in support for some new packages for contributor. You will see "Static Headtags" and "Custom Headtags" in the contribution module. Once complete and released, those sections will become available.

By Brady,
Web Services Update.
We are currently doing maintenance on our web services. Expect potential lag! Update - The maintenance is complete. All services are up and running!

By Nate,
Server Giveaway and events!
We apologize for the recent downtime and appreciate your patience. To show our gratitude, we're hosting exciting giveaways and events for our community!

Here are the latest winners of our in-game hosted Tier 4 Giveaway:

  • Winner #1: @[C-119][HEAT-40][K9-120] C. Soup
  • Winner #2: @[LCF-08] π’΅π‘œπ“ƒπ’Ά 𝒩𝑒𝓋𝒢𝒹𝒢
  • Winner #3: @Zone
  • Winner #4: @Consuela πŸ”°#MMC
  • Winner #5: @[EX GCF-04]Alfonso Vittorio

  • Stay tunned, there will be plenty more over the coming days!

    By Nate,
    Extra Life Roleplay is back online!
    Our FiveM server is back online! Get on and have some fun, keep an eye out for giveaways and events!

    By Nate,
    Update - FiveM Server
    Our submittal is still in review with CFX's compliance team. We have not received a response as they have a high amount requests in their compliance department at this time. We are waiting our turn. It is frustrating to all of us as we have made significant changes to ensure compliance with FiveM PLA. The last day of the full suspension, is August 5th. You will see a few new things come to Extra Life in light of this PLA violation.
  • Extra Life Compliance Team

  • This team will be constantly reviewing and monitoring our assets in server to ensure that they are not in violation with the FiveM PLA. This will be a hand selected team of the most detailed and rule following individuals. They will be responsible for reviewing all assets in the Dev server before they are moved to Prod server.

  • Extra Life LORE Based EUP

  • This comes in light of the PLA violation we received. We are going to make sure that there are plenty of EUP options for both CIV and ES in this. You wont have Gucci, LV, Prada, etc... you will have non branded names.
    Most of all, I would like to thank all of you guys for being so patient during this process. We are hosting giveaways and events on other games, so please stay tuned to the Events channel.

    By Brady,